Thursday, January 21

what's in a name?

Today I had the pleasure of reviewing BYU related auto accidents and sending emails to the supervisors of the BYU employees who had made it on our infamous list.

As I looked up the supervisor of the next accident offender, I busted out laughing and turned to my office buddy, jerica,

"can you believe this?? This guy's supervisor's name is BRONCO - poor guy! Who would name their poor child Bronco?"

She stared at me as if she'd just had an anurism.

"Bronco…as in, Bronco MENDENHALL??"

I checked.

"…why yes, actually!"

She continued to stare - the vein on her forehead getting dangerously high.

"BRONCO MENDENHALL?! Are you kidding?? you even KNOW who that is?!?!"

I could tell by her reaction I was supposed to.

"BRONCO?!....BRONCO!! that's!...he's!!...Did you even GO to any games this year?!"

I didn't see how watching a game was synonymous with knowing who Bronco is.

"Are you?!?...i can't!...i mean, he's our FOOTBALL COACH, emily!! He's a LEGEND!!!! A LEGEND!!! O my GOSH!! I can't BELIVE it!..."

She continued, gob-smacked like this, for some time, until she finally cried, "seriously! You must be SO embarrassed!"

...embarrassed? not really.
not nearly as embarrassed as she was for my sake, anyway. ;)

Love ya, Bronco - funny name and all.
(the legend himself) -------------------->


Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

Ooh- you might have wanted to wait to post this until after graduation, just in case. . . :)

shellangel said...

I had NO idea that you had a blog?! I have NO idea why I didn't know this?! AND--I am really excited. It was like getting a dose of Emmy sunshine, all to myself. I had to read ALL your posts, and I feel like i havn't laughed this much since the last time you told me your stories. I LOVE that you can capture you in words. You inspire me! I thought blogs were these boring things that you just, I don't know, say whats going on or whatever, I didn't know they could be FUNNY! I LOVE YOU!! I MISS MISS MISS listening you play the guitar, and being able to use applied creativity to your genius!