because when i want it to switch screen views, i get to shake it!
my itouch has better sense of space right now than i do! Lollollollollollollol!...
because life is for laughter, love and music! :)
because when i want it to switch screen views, i get to shake it!
alex: i'm sorry, that is incorrect.
contestant #2: about, what is "an unnatural compulsion to dance around in tight leggings and 80's eyeshadow with a slew of muppet minions?!"
alex: not correct either, i'm afraid. contestant #3, what is your guess?
contestant #3: is "the sensation felt when one is falling into a goblin king's domain?!"
alex: oooh, so very close! however, still incorrect!
and the correct answer is!:
*what is "an ear disorder that involves irritation and swelling of the inner ear"
causing symptoms such as:
*Abnormal sensation of movement (Vertigo)
*Difficulty focusing the eyes due to involuntary eye movements
*Loss of hearing in one ear
*Loss of balance
*Nausea and vomiting
*Ringing or other noises in the ears (tinnitus)
sounds fun, huh?!
it's especially fun to come down with during class so you end up on the floor in the hallway of the tanner building!
to add a little spice, make sure you have student EMTs arrive on the scene to tell you you're as healthy as a horse and they have no clue why your world is upside-down and your eyes keep rolling around in your head.
but if you want to make this moment even better, have people (like well-meaning classmates and BYU EMTs) try to move you against your will, because this will result in violent and involuntary fits of panic and hyperventilation because your body can't orient itself! YES!! :D
(please note, the reason why THIS method of getting sick is so much fun is because you will have the gleeful satisfaction of watching the students rushing by stare at you in horror for fear that deamons are about to leap out of your skull and eat them! :D SO fun!)
to top off your awesomely fun afternoon of coming down with labyrinthitis, spend at least 3 hours at BYU urgent care, desperately needing to relieve your bladder but unable to even lift your head without assistance, exhausted/sick from the walls moving around you, and lacking sufficient fluids in your veins for the regular nurses to be able to draw your blood - it is only a perfect afternoon if they have to try twice and only get it when the INFANT-vein-specialist comes in with the butterfly needle! :)