Wednesday, September 8

this isn't an apology

hello little blog!
yes, its really me!!
and yes, i realize its been forever since i wrote!
and no,
im not going to spend a post apologizing and promising to never do it again :)
(cause really, lets be honest here, it probably will! lol)
and now!
in no particular order at all!...'s 5 life-lights i thought you'd enjoy written on you!:
1) i absolutely love my new place! it was tragically discovered this week that i'm deathly allergic to my headboard, but other than that, my room, my roommies, and my rockin ward are a joy!
2) family scripture study and prayer are a MUST! seriously, i always "knew" but i didn't KNOW how important it is! it makes all the difference in a united home. thank heaven for a wise Father, awesome parents and wonderful roommates!
3) bra-shopping is absolutely less than ZERO fun - finding the right bra, however, is cloud NINE heaven. i don't particularly like the math, but there it is. the end.
4) i am FINALLY caught up on my facebook pics! all major events (minus Mexico pics which josh has on his computer) are up and i can now enjoy being a paparazzi again without the weight on my mind of when/how i'll ever get them organized! :D yay!
5) i've discovered email relationships with old friends is completely wonderful and very therapudic! little bite-sized chunks of life, love and other mysteries bounce back and forth for everyone's enjoyment! :D
(actually, if we're going to be honest here, that's probably why i haven't been writing on YOU, sweet little bloggy - i've had somewhere else to type out my thoughts and funnies! i considered cutting/pasting my emails in here, but then we get into the sticky realm of what is or isn't too personal to, yeah. that's that - lol!)
6) pillow fights are my new favorite thing after a movie! i have successfully won myself a goose-egg during one and a collection of colorful bruises from others - the battles were EPIC! :D
7) having my own bathroom and cleaning products has changed EVERYTHING. no joke - i cleaned my bathroom last week FOR FUN. what?! yes - FOR FUN! i was about to hop in the shower after a run and thought, "well, while im still dirty!..." and set out to scrub down my little world. :) mother dear, be proud!!
8) i tried rollerskating again for the first time in about 2 decades - it was awesome!...and when i say awesome, i mean the sight of me struck awe and horror into those nearby - if they saw the train wreck coming at all! lol :) bless the poor souls who tried to help teach me and were rewarded by getting dragged down with me every 10 seconds! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL!
9) i have glasses now that are gorgeous AND functional! :D i actually WEAR them around town! i pretty much have the alluring prude look down and i'm currently working on my sexy librarian smolder. watch out, world! i just don't know if you're ready for this! ;)
10) i am taking the HR Certification course right now which will eat up several hours of my wednesdays for the next 12 weeks and will cost me over $200 to take the test, but i am SO STOKED! yes! yes! i can't do anything good! :D
(especially when my amazing boss believes i can - i am so stinkin blessed!)
and there you have it, my blogette! :D
i hope this has helped satisfy your curiosity as to where i've been and how i've been doing since we last posted together.
cause yes, it really has been a while.
and yes, i missed you too.
now go to bed, silly blog!


Marisa C Bentley said...

You, darling EmiJo, are hilarious & I love you!

Loni said...

Hello happy life. I love to hear about fact, you make my life happier. Love, loni's little life :)

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

I love your new glasses. That is all.