Monday, February 1

february manifesto

cliche, i know, but it's feb now, so the blog will be be-decked with
hearts and love-affiliated themes! :)

because, guess what?...

i am a fan of valentine's day!

yes, i am.

even inspite of how commercialized and awkward it can be,
as well as the fact that i have spent every feb 14th of my life single (minus one),
i am a big fan.

i love seeing people give eachother cheesy, mushy and overly-romantic gifts.
i revel in the fact that people like my parents, who have been married for over 30 years, are still completely in love and like being cute with eachother and are
willing to be silly for eachother on our traditional love-day!
they know their love goes beyond a sparkly-red valentine or roses, but they do it anyway because they know it will make their spouse giggle.

valentine's day, in my opinion, should never be taken seriously -
whether you're dating or married -
it should be a day full of light-hearted laughter, chocolate, mushy thank-yous
and inside jokes between you and your loved one
that make you both smile and appreciate eachother more. :D
in essence, they should be a cheesier magnification
of what you already express daily,
if not hourly!,
to the one who you care for.

(if your thank-yous and affection only come once a year,
something is very wrong)

basically, i love seeing people love eachother!
and i'm not just talking about romantic love either - this includes friends, roomates, and siblings who do fun things for eachother just to make that person's day brighter.

i know all this playful appreciation can/should be done without a holiday -
but i also see nothing wrong with an extra-fun-reminder day either!

so please forgive me if i refuse to celebrate this
frilly-red-and-pink holiday by calling it
"singles awareness day" or by dressing in black.

i celebrate love and all the wonderful blessings i reap from it!

"to love another person is to see the face of God"
-Les Miserables

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

Well said, friend. And that is coming from someone who doesn't love the day all too much!