Wednesday, November 18

high and dry

it's always dangerous when you only vaguely remember congratulating yourself on your brilliance at 2 am.

at 8am, i couldn't find my jeans.
i tore my room apart,
searched every drawer and pile.


i gave up and went looking for a shirt to wear instead.
but i couldn't find the one i'd been planning to wear.

i began to get frustrated.

why was i so set on wearing that shirt? where did i put it if i was hoping to wear it today?!...

it was then that my early-morning brilliance dawned on me.
even in my sleep-inhibited state, i had been clever enough to dump my wet laundry into the dryer and START it!
according to my calculations, my intended shirt would be fresh and clean waiting for me! YES! i am SO SMART! sleep must be over-rated...!

...i soon discovered the flaw in last night's groggy genius
as well as the whereabouts of my favorite jeans...
...which are now nearly 2 inches shorter and no longer serve my soaring 5'9 stature.

this, my friends, is why i
(...except when i'm brilliant at 2am)

1 comment:

Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

Oh, so sad! Also, the title of this post is pure genius!